Assembling the Broken Pieces – Fulfilling the Dream

Let's Finish the Job

Your donation is the biggest part of our budget and makes a huge difference in the lives of our students and the families of Brewerville. Each donation matters, even the smallest ones can change someone’s life for the better!

The donor recognition is a well-conceived focal point on the EMSKS campus.  It is where names tell stories of generosity and selfless giving. This wall invites you into a world where gratitude meets artistry. BCA understands why expressing gratitude this way is more than a courtesy—it is the way our supporters’ contributions are immortalized and served as a catalyst for continued philanthropy.

We are working with a professional signage company to design and manage the fabrication and installation process, ensuring that the final plaque aligns with BCA’s intended aesthetic and quality standards. We are aiming for a grateful language that highlights our donors.

Feel free to choose from one of these donation options to make an impact.

For your support to the EMSKS Building project of $100. You name will be engraved on a plaque listing that looks something like this View

For your support to the EMSKS Building project of $250 your name engraved on a plaque listing the names of Gold Donors along with their personalized message limited to 25 characters. You name will be engraved on a plaque listing that looks something like this View

For your support to the EMSKS Building project of $500 you can select your spot and your name engraved on a plaque listing the names of Diamond Donors along with their personalized message limited to 45 characters with any keyboard characters you like, and the special character of a heart is also available.  You name will be engraved on a plaque listing that looks something like this View

For our large donors, an individual, organization, or small group of individuals are the sole donors to this campaign.  We will honor these supporters with a donor recognition plaque. The plaques will be posted outside doors in buildings that a major contribution helped build. Donors could also take a plaque. You name will be engraved on a plaque listing that looks something like this View