Assembling the Broken Pieces – Fulfilling the Dream

Our strategic project is the construction of a modern elementary school to host the 750 students at the Ellen Mills Scarborough Kindergarten & Elementary School (EMSKS).  Although, EMSKS is a public school operated by the Liberian Government, BCA has undertaken this project to give back to the school from whence ninety percent (90%) of her members are alumni.  The estimated value for this building is $168,000.00 (One Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand United States Dollars) with an additional $51,000.00 (Fifty-One Thousand United States Dollars) to fully furnish and equip the school. 
Since the groundbreaking ceremony, we have successfully raised and expended $125,000.00 (One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand United States Dollars) towards this project.  Today, the following are completed: foundation block walls elevation, exterior and partition blocks wall, roof framing and sheeting installation, exterior doors and installation of burglar bars, cast in place mass concrete floor slab, ceiling/jersey, plastering and electrical.
Although the project is incomplete, BCA responded to a fervent plea by the principal, Ministry of Education’s district commission, and the mayor of the city, to move the 750 students into this new facility in 2015 when primary schooling in-country reconvened after the Ebola epidemic.
We are financially limited to what we can accomplish alone.  Therefore, it is under this constraint that we launch this fund raising drive online to solicit the remaining money needed to complete the project.  We respectfully call on our members, sponsors, supporters, families, and friends to make contributions.

Let's Finish the Job

Your donation is the biggest part of our budget and makes a huge difference in the lives of Brewervillians. Each donation matter, even the smallest ones can change someone’s life for the better!

Be Part of Our Donor Recognition Campaign

The donor recognition is a well-conceived focal point on the EMSKS campus.  It is where names tell stories of generosity and selfless giving. This wall invites you into a world where gratitude meets artistry. BCA understands why expressing gratitude this way is more than a courtesy—it is the way our supporters’ contributions is immortalized and serves as a catalyst for continued philanthropy.

We are working with a professional signage company to design and manage the fabrication and installation process, ensuring that the final plaque aligns with BCA’s intended aesthetic and quality standards. We are aiming for grateful language that highlights our donors.

Feel free to choose from one of these donation options to make an impact.



Materials, Labor, Others

$0.00 of $7,000.00
final phase windows 1


Materials, Labor, Others

$4,800.00 of $24,000.00


Materials, Labor, Others

$0.00 of $3,500.00
You are hereby cordially invited to join us as we host a fundraiser drive.  We are inviting all BCA members and supporters to participate in the event.  Your contribution can make a big and positive change in the lives of the children of Brewerville.  As we all know, primary education sets the foundation of all future ability to learn and keep learning.  The children are the future of our country and if they are able to obtain a solid foundation now, they will have a chance to go as far as their potential.  We are looking forward to your positive response.
We have created this crowdfunding platform to raise money in support of BCA programs and projects.  It is an excellent mechanism made available to BCA members to fundraise via social media.  All donations made in a member’s name are tracked and reported as part of that member’s cumulative giving to BCA. If you are so inclined to help and go beyond the ordinary, it would be highly appreciated.  Our goal is to raise $100,000 through this platform. If you want to start your Fundraising Campaign today, please click the link below.
You are hereby cordially invited to join us as we host a fundraiser drive.  We are inviting all BCA members and supporters to participate in the event.  Your contribution can make a big and positive change in the lives of the children of Brewerville.  As we all know, primary education sets the foundation of all future ability to learn and keep learning.  The children are the future of our country and if they are able to obtain a solid foundation now, they will have a chance to go as far as their potential.  We are looking forward to your positive response.
We have created this crowdfunding platform to raise money in support of BCA programs and projects.  It is an excellent mechanism made available to BCA members to fundraise via social media.  All donations made in a member’s name are tracked and reported as part of that member’s cumulative giving to BCA. If you are so inclined to help and go beyond the ordinary, it would be highly appreciated.  Our goal is to raise $100,000 through this platform. If you want to start your Fundraising Campaign today, please click the link below.