Assembling the Broken Pieces – Fulfilling the Dream

This Fundraising Campaign portal is a non-profit crowdfunding platform that allows BCA members to raise money in support of BCA programs from family and friends via social media.  Note that all donations made in a member’s name are tracked and reported as part of that member’s cumulative giving to BCA. If you are so inclined to help and go beyond the ordinary, it would be highly appreciated.  If you can’t or don’t desire to participate, just pray that we reach our 2023 goal to raise $100,000 through this platform. If you want to start a personalized Fundraising Campaign today, please fill in the form, making sure you complete each section and clicking the Next or Previous button to move back and forth from one section to another.  When you are satisfied with the information you entered, please press the Next button repeatedly until you see the Submit button.  Press the Submit button.  You will be notified once the information you provided has been vetted and approved.  You will receive a URL link to your personalized webpage.  Feel free to share the URL link with your perspective donors via social media, email, or text messages.

Personal Information

Fundraising Reason

BCA Fundraising Campaign Information

Using a bright and clear photo or video helps people connect to your fundraiser right away.
It’s completely expected to need funds beyond your starting goal. You can always change your goal as you go.

Security Validation

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