Assembling the Broken Pieces – Fulfilling the Dream

A Pleasant Welcome to You

Descendants and friends of  Brewerville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, residing in the United States of America, have come together and organized ourselves into a 501 (c) 3 non-profit Corporation under the name of Brewerville Civic Association, USA Inc. with the sole purpose of giving back to our beloved City of Brewerville.

We are honored that you could visit us online today. Here you will find the essence of BCA and hope it enthralls your interest. We are a people with the hearts and minds to give back and elevate the people of the City of Brewerville, Liberia.

Our projects include constructions of schools for free education in partnership with Government, donations to churches and other outreach ministries, assistance to clinics within the vicinity of the City, and college scholarship to deserving students. Our aspiration is to construct a Civic Center where youths and seniors can visit for educational and recreational purposes.

As of now, we have constructed, with 90% completed, the school building for the Ellen Mills Scarborough Elementary School (EMSK) that provides education for over 600 students.

We meet monthly at a virtual worship service and annually on Columbus Day weekend in October of each year to raise funds for the support of the various projects planned and currently being implemented. The resolute commitment of our members is the aegis that drives our organization sustainability.

We are equipping this generation with erudite capability to achieve their aspirations and leave the legacy for them to follow by making each generation better than the previous.

We thank you for visiting and absolutely welcome your generous donations.

Eric Olson
Executive Director

Our Mission

The BCA mission is to provide humanitarian assistance to the citizens of Brewerville through education, healthcare, and basic needs.

Our Focus Areas


  • School Building Construction
  • Classroom and Library Materials
  • Grants
  • Salaries
  • Scholarships

Public Health

  • Clinic Restoration
  • Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Salaries

Civic Administration

  • Church
  • Community Development
  • Grants
  • Office Equipment and Supplies

Let's Finish the Job

Your donation is the biggest part of our budget and makes a huge difference in the lives of Brewervillians. Each donation matters, even the smallest ones can change someone’s life for the better!

Your donation can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.  We are inviting all BCA members and supporters to participate in the event.  Your contribution can make a big and positive change in the lives of the children of Brewerville.  As we all know, primary education sets the foundation of all future ability to learn and keep learning.  The children are the future of our country and if they are able to obtain a solid foundation now, they will have a chance to go as far as their potential.  We are looking forward to your positive response.
We have created this crowdfunding platform to raise money in support of BCA programs and projects.  It is an excellent mechanism made available to BCA members to fundraise via social media.  All donations made in a member’s name are tracked and reported as part of that member’s cumulative giving to BCA. If you are so inclined to help and go beyond the ordinary, it would be highly appreciated.  Our goal is to raise $100,000 through this platform. If you want to start your Fundraising Campaign today, please click the link below.